Executive & Business Coaching, Mentoring,
Advising & Consulting Testimonials
“Fabián has an incredible gift for making the complex appear simple and without being simplistic. He is a pleasure to work with and always delivers to an exceptionally high standard. He consults impeccably to understand organisational needs and then brings innovative business relevant ideas and solutions to the table. He will challenge your thinking, provide you with alternative perspectives and, where appropriate, actively coach/mentor/advise you to generate and co-create solutions. He is an excellent facilitator with the ability to manage multiple perspectives and effortlessly guide the team to consensus.”
“Fabián has been and invaluable resource, providing a unique approach, support and direction for many of my projects. I believe Fabián’s strength has been the ability to make complex projects simple, immersing himself into my ways of working and providing solutions that meet both my needs and support the company’s long-term goals. On a personal level, Fabián has helped me to challenge my ways of thinking and as a result shaping how I manage my current role while helping me understand which direction I want my future career to take. ”
“Fabián is a pleasure to work with. It is great to work with him as he understands precisely the role of a creative director and how the fashion business operates. Fabián genuinely brings something different and is willing not only to deliver innovative and high-quality solutions for my role inside the company but also challenge my current thinking and creativity. ”
“Fabián’s unique skills are bringing novel, creative thinking to the challenge he is given. He is both persuasive and inclusive with a new approach that seamlessly adapts to different, often opposing styles and come out with results that bring everyone involved on to the same point. The results have spoken themselves. Fabian comes highly recommended. ”
“Fabián and his team brought a unique combination of skills to our business assignment and was often sought out to tackle the most complex and integrated challenges. As a strategic thinker, consultant and fashion expert, as well as personal development professional and highly- qualified coach, he was ideally placed to tackle inter-related issues. ”
“I have seen the significant impact that Fabián has made to our business. He has the rare ability to approach issues and opportunities with a very open mind and is not afraid to challenge the status quo.”
“Fabián manages to be both supportive and excitingly challenging. We have chosen him to help us develop our business strategy in a different way. He has challenged us to look and think outside the box and develop a creative strategy to ensure we evolve over the next few years.”
“Fabian’s workshop is a very precious and important turning point for me. It affected my perspective towards the fashion industry as a soon-to-be-graduate student, and more importantly as a member of the CSM alumni community.
Growing up I have always found the confidence in expressing thoughts and connecting with people a challenging task for me. Despite my desire to build closer relationships with other people, I often get trapped in my shyness and timid worries of avoiding making gestures/remarks that could cause any potential discontent. Fabian’s workshop was an amazing ice-breaker opportunity for me to let my class know more about me without myself feeling isolated by my assumptions. This opportunity has allowed me to get in touch with my creativity in a very different way. ”